What's going on Legend!
My name is Mark (Founder/Owner/Designer) of CHLLEN Lifestyle Wear.
My name is Mark (Founder/Owner/Designer) of CHLLEN Lifestyle Wear.
CHLLEN is about the representation of oneself
and what you do to have chilled out day.
It's a representation of cultures around the world that organise meet ups
at skate parks, car shows, LAN parties without us even realizing that we're all
"just chillen"
The slogan "Chill Your Lifestyle" is a reminder to
stop taking things so serious and relax.
The story of how CHLLEN Lifestyle Wear came to be actually goes back to 2007
where I was trying to decide on what number plate I wanted on my show car.
And so the "CHLLEN" plate was created.
It was later in 2010 I was working/living out of state, that I was introduced to a screen printing business that could print your own designs onto garments.
Well...At the time I was really missing my show car and wanted CHLLEN on the shirts. But if I was going to do this, could I design a logo to go with it?
The logo was soon created and off to the printers to hand over my designs.
Overall four shirts were made, Which were a blue and red shirt with the word "CHLLEN" on it and the other blue and red shirt having just the logo.
"I never gave it a thought on turning these shirts into something more, It was just a personal thing that meant a lot to me at the time"
Anyways fast forward to 2017, A Euro trip was planned but life decided to throw me a curve ball. This curve ball would end up in me quitting my job and moving back to my hometown after I returned from the trip.
I had no future plan, I just needed out from where I was.
As the departure date drew closer I had this optimistic vision/plan for the trip.
Which was to create three CHLLEN shirts all incorporating the word and logo on each shirt, Wear the **** out of them in hopes someone would be interested in what I was wearing and from there think about going further with it.
If no-one asked then I wouldn't go further with it.
Well...it happened.
It didn't take long for trip goers to ask questions about the shirts, But what gave me real confidence that I may have something was when I wore the
red CHLLEN shirt in Ibiza for the very first time.
I had a fellow party goer ask what brand is that and where can I get it?
I replied you can't get it anywhere, its my very own and a sample for the trip.
(I also explained my situation and story)
They replied: I'll give you 50 euro for the one you are wearing right now.
I replied: I need it for the rest of my trip haha and what am I going to wear?
The Legend replies, I'll swap you my shirt.
From then to now it has been ONE HELL OF A JOURNEY!
At this present time I'm running solo, doing all the design work and maintenance for my product, website and socials. I've also invested in my own manufacturing where I buy blank garments locally and put the designs onto garments myself here from home.
I appreciate you for taking the time in reading this.
Have a chill week ahead :)
and what you do to have chilled out day.
It's a representation of cultures around the world that organise meet ups
at skate parks, car shows, LAN parties without us even realizing that we're all
"just chillen"
The slogan "Chill Your Lifestyle" is a reminder to
stop taking things so serious and relax.
The story of how CHLLEN Lifestyle Wear came to be actually goes back to 2007
where I was trying to decide on what number plate I wanted on my show car.
And so the "CHLLEN" plate was created.
It was later in 2010 I was working/living out of state, that I was introduced to a screen printing business that could print your own designs onto garments.
Well...At the time I was really missing my show car and wanted CHLLEN on the shirts. But if I was going to do this, could I design a logo to go with it?
The logo was soon created and off to the printers to hand over my designs.
Overall four shirts were made, Which were a blue and red shirt with the word "CHLLEN" on it and the other blue and red shirt having just the logo.
"I never gave it a thought on turning these shirts into something more, It was just a personal thing that meant a lot to me at the time"
Anyways fast forward to 2017, A Euro trip was planned but life decided to throw me a curve ball. This curve ball would end up in me quitting my job and moving back to my hometown after I returned from the trip.
I had no future plan, I just needed out from where I was.
As the departure date drew closer I had this optimistic vision/plan for the trip.
Which was to create three CHLLEN shirts all incorporating the word and logo on each shirt, Wear the **** out of them in hopes someone would be interested in what I was wearing and from there think about going further with it.
If no-one asked then I wouldn't go further with it.
Well...it happened.
It didn't take long for trip goers to ask questions about the shirts, But what gave me real confidence that I may have something was when I wore the
red CHLLEN shirt in Ibiza for the very first time.
I had a fellow party goer ask what brand is that and where can I get it?
I replied you can't get it anywhere, its my very own and a sample for the trip.
(I also explained my situation and story)
They replied: I'll give you 50 euro for the one you are wearing right now.
I replied: I need it for the rest of my trip haha and what am I going to wear?
The Legend replies, I'll swap you my shirt.
From then to now it has been ONE HELL OF A JOURNEY!
At this present time I'm running solo, doing all the design work and maintenance for my product, website and socials. I've also invested in my own manufacturing where I buy blank garments locally and put the designs onto garments myself here from home.
I appreciate you for taking the time in reading this.
Have a chill week ahead :)

and be part of the Growing Community Today.
Enquire for bulk orders: info@chllen.com
Enquire for bulk orders: info@chllen.com